Appleton Senior Photographer {alisa}

With this Spring like weather here in Appleton, it gives us the perfect burst of energy to jump into 2013 senior photography mode. To celebrate the beautiful sunshine, here are a few highlights from Alisa’s senior session from the class of 2012. Alisa was photographed in both our vintage set and wanted to add a little urban grunge to her session–how fun is that!

It was so great hearing all about her enthusiasm for her years to come beyond high school and to soak in her infectious bubbly personality. Alisa was a true natural in front of the camera.

Class of 2013 : It’s not early to start booking your session before graduation. Visit our senior page and get the ball rolling!

Enjoy, Kari

P.S :: Keep checking back for more 2012 highlights as well as visit our Facebook senior fan page to follow what’s happening for 2013!