Posts Tagged birth photographer

one year ago {irie’s birth story}

In my family, we believe in miracles as much as we do in blessings. Neither is more powerful than the other and we thank God ever day for both of them.
It wasn’t until I had children of my own that I realized how special {birth}days are. Today we will celebrate our youngest daughter, Irie’s first miraculous year of change. Her arrival was the most powerful, natural and life changing experience I have had since Ayda’s birth. My children continue to raise me up along side us raising them…a sharing of love in it’s purest form.

Because of my talented and gifted sister, I have these beautiful birth moments to not only cherish but share. There is no way I could ever thank you enough Kim.
xo, Itty

happy birthday ellie

Look who’s ONE already!

One year ago today was a pretty eventful day for our family. With Jason and Finn away in Madison, my mom on a winter break in Alabama and my father 100 miles away we got the news that Baby Thiel II was coming with no time to wait for any of them to make it home.

Thank goodness for sisters. Kari, you were my rock that day and I will be forever grateful for the strength of your hand and heart and ability to quickly get a camera to the hospital. Thank you for keeping one dry eye that day and capturing little Ellie’s unexpected entrance into the world.

Ellie, happy birthday my dear. You are one strong little babe and we love you with all our hearts!