Posts Tagged child photographer

Newborn Lifestyle Photographer {the adams family}

Being a new parent isn’t easy.  The sleepless nights, constant worrying if you’re doing things right and pure exhaustion are just a few of the obstacles you will face.  You lose your mind at times and you may even pour coffee in your cereal and that’s if you even remember to eat!  But I have to tell you… being able to look back at the tiny little creature you brought into the world is a remarkable feeling.

Enjoy a look into this new family’s memories of the first sweet week home with their new baby.

Wisconsin Christmas Tree Farm {the henning family}

Cutting your own Christmas tree is often an event that many families look forward to yearly.  Heritage Christmas Tree Farm, in Wild Rose Wisconsin, was the perfect setting for the Henning Families annual voyage of memory making. Nestled amongst rolling hills, this 4th generation pet friendly tree farm truly makes the experience magical. After hunting for your tree, you’re treated like family with cups of hot cocoa and homemade chili to enjoy around a cozy bonfire. Sledding and hayrides are also available on weekends as well as a mailbox ensuring Santa letters make it to the North Pole.

Christmas traditions should be treated as magical. We are so fortunate here in Wisconsin to have such dedicated tree farmers who care enough to keep traditions alive. We hope that this little session inspires an invitation for us to capture special moments for your family this year. Merry Christmas!

Wisconsin Family Photographer {the wyland family}

I’m so happy to have been invited to capture the simple things in life for this beautiful family.  Having children of our own we know what a huge transition it is going from hand-held the the independent stages of walking. The first steps are some of most unforgettable in this massive adventure called ‘family’.