Posts Tagged fish creek photographer

Door County Harbor Engagement {robin + mark}

Robin and I go waaaaaay back to to summers in Door County working at a little restaurant across the street from her Nan’s house in Fish Creek.  When she called to tell me she was engaged I was beyond thrilled to see her again and meet her man.  Mark was everything I knew Robin would find in a life partner and I have no doubt in my mind that they will live an incredibly full life of love and laughter together.

Having lived her entire life in California, the quaint little harbor towns that speckle Door County’s shoreline will forever be a place of peace and quiet that she will now share with Mark.  Enjoy a few smiles as we ventured around Hidden Harbor in Fish Creek and made our way to a beautiful sunset.

A Door County Lifestyle Session {the downs family}

There are few things in life that, when we look back at, we truly have a vivid memory of. However, one of my most vivid memories of my childhood will always be summers in Door County. There’s something about the buzz of tiny little harbor towns that will forever hold a place in my heart. Pair that with the cleansing feeling of Door County’s crystal clear water and the smell of campfire and wet cedar that floods your senses when you arrive and I’m immediately transported to a state of calm and happiness.

Spending the day capturing summer memories for this beautiful family was food for the soul. I could only wish I had a small photo documentary of a few summer days in Door County. Days like this may seem so insignificant now but fast forward 30 years and I’m sure they may produce a few tears. Investing in family memories is one of the greatest things you could ever do; our minds will fail us…

Marissa and Ryan, I thank you dearly for these memories and know they will age beautifully with time.