Posts Tagged how to pose for senior photography

Fashionable High School Senior Portraits {ms. catherine}

High school senior photography to us is helping girls merge their inner and outer beauty. It’s a powerful moment when they collide. Typically we give helpful posing tips and encouraging words as we navigate through sessions but Catherine nailed it all on her own. Equally memorable are her outfit selections, all 4 representing her unique style in the most stylish way. Self awareness and a healthy body image can be beyond beautiful, we just had the best time commemorating the accomplished young woman she is.

Unique Senior Photography in Wisconsin {ms. hannah}

Fall can produce some of the best color palettes for photo inspiration. The hues are rich and bold & sunsets seem to add a touch more of warmth than summers. What a perfect combination to inspire a fresh outdoor senior photography session! Ms. Hannah was just as exited to create unique imagery as we were this beautiful afternoon. She paired a variety of outfits perfectly to harmonize with mother nature. We even had a tad too good of a time soaking in all the beauty. When we emerged from one of our locations to find that the water levels had risen and we’d be forced to skip rocks back to dry land. Another testament to each session being unique and organic in it’s direction. Where will our session take you? Connect with us to secure your memorable senior session today!