Posts Tagged plamann park

Playful in a Summer Stream


Everyday we see ourselves in the mirror, as does our partner. We get ready for work, offer a peck on the cheek and we’re on our way.


Photographing two people in love is an honor. It’s not something that we, as busy human beings, get to see or even realize on a daily basis… what love looks like, that is. When you’re in it it’s easy to take for granted the chemistry two human beings create. My favorite thing about this little job I’ve created is that I get to surround myself with this chemistry. Being able to share and show two people their love is a beautiful thing. I smile a lot, to say the least. Thank you for appreciating the art I create. It’s so much more than just taking pictures for me. Enjoy.01_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 02_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 03_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 04_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 05_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 06_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 07_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 08_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 09_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 10_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 11_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 12_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 13_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 14_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 15_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 16_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 17_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 18_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel20_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 19_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel 21_engagement-woods-stream_kim-thiel

A Country Wedding in Wisconsin {karie+ryan}

There were these two sweet little ginger twins that rode our bus everyday when Kari and I were younger and coincidentally they were also named Kim and Karie. Last week Kari and I had the honor of capturing this day for Karie and her handsome groom, Ryan. It was a delight to reconnect with them and a few of the neighbors.

Karie, you were a stunning bride and your Groom is one handsome man! Thank you for everything.

Who doesn’t love a beautiful and fun wedding party! Karie and Ryan mixed their party up a bit with not just one but five colors. I loved how it looked!

And because Karie’s groom was much into fishing and neither of them into cake Karie had 30 dozen fish cookies make for their guests, complete with baggies to take some home. It was a darling and delicious idea!