Posts Tagged senior photo fashion

Best Friend Photography Session {appleton high school seniors}

In lieu of a high school senior model program we offered up best friend sessions last year as something fresh and fun. What a delight it was to have some no-strings-attached time with the Class of 2014. The results were everything we hoped for so we are bringing it back for the Class of 2015. Below is a collection of the silliness that can erupt when four dear friends gather in front of our cameras.

For any senior who books from now until our open house on April 23rd, you will be able to style your own best friend session! Join us at the studio on Wednesday April 23rd 4:30-6:30 or call the studio for more details, 920.968.8743. Visit our Senior Page for more inspiring work.

Fun Senior Photos! It’s True… it Could Happen to You! {miss jing}

You have made it to your senior year, now lets make it something that is very unique and special! Ms. Jing was so excited to connect with us, her energy was the perfect fit for our fun loving style. When coming to Kim Thiel Photography it is all about you! You get to decide where you want your pictures taken; from urban settings to our unique hand crafted indoor studio sets or even the more organic nature locations. With Jing it was a must that her playful energy be moved out into the beautiful afternoon light. All her looks were genuinely unique but we simply fell in love with her last soft toned outfit, it was a match make in golden light heaven!

P.S :: Did you see her darling hair accessory, courtesy of Mother Nature herself!