Posts Tagged unique appleton senior photos

Senior Best Friends Sessions {mackenzie and friends}

Tis the season to gather friends and giggle in front of the camera!  We love capturing our best friends sessions because, truth be told, being in front of a camera can be a scary place to be!  Many incoming seniors will be stepping into the spotlight this summer to commemorate this milestone in their lives and we think breaking the ice with all your bestees by your side is a fun way to warm up to the camera.  Besides, who wouldn’t love a photo shoot with all their favorite faces!

For Mackenzie’s session she invited along five friends that all started their friendship in kindergarten together… that’s a 12-year friendship!!!  And having started their friendship on a playground she thought there be no better place for her best friends session than the same.

Fashion Focused Senior Photos {karissa}

What do you think of senior photography? Is it scary or are you a secret posing queen?  To switch up us writing these senior photo posts, we decided to ask Miss Karissa to share some of her thoughts about her senior session. We truly love getting to know and have fun with all of our clients and Karissa was certainly no exception. Thanks Karissa for opening up your tender personality to us, we had a blast!

Karissa-“I was not the girl that has been dreaming about taking my senior pictures all throughout high school. I was actually dreading it! I’m a very shy introverted person, so the thought of someone yelling, “work it!” terrified me. I had no idea what I was going to do or how they would turn out. I mean I play the piano, can’t take a picture with that, I don’t play sports so that cancelled out sports jerseys. I was at a loss. When we decided to have Kim do my pictures I became 100% more excited. I loved that her pictures were unique and fashion focused. I’m a J-Crew junkie and her style captured that perfectly for me! I also loved the vintage feel she was able to give my pictures. I love everything vintage so I was excited to pretend for a day I was in a different era.

Being able to meet with Kim a week before we took my pictures was great. I was able to tell her more about who I was and able to get to know her and become more comfortable. We had a lot of fun the day of my pictures. It was great to feel like a princess for a day. I’m usually really shy and put together. I like to be in control of things, and sometimes I feel like I can’t be silly because of the roles I’m in, but this day I was able to be free and silly, and it was beautiful. I loved having my pictures taken and I can’t wait for another opportunity to work with Kim.”

Each year we are able to photograph only a limited number of senior sessions. This year we’re offering professional makeup with every senior session… just another way to make you feel like a true model! Schedule your senior session now at Kim Thiel Photography – Seniors.