Posts Tagged what to wear

Playful Spring Engagement

Most sessions are memorable in some form. Sometimes it’s the deep conversation it turns to, sometimes it’s when we uncover something new about each other and I get to capture the moment, and sometimes it’s just a fun personality that come out that resonates with me! My favorite moment from this session is when I asked Parker to whisper a story in Marissa’s ear. At first they got all sweet and cuddly and then bust into this adoring laughter of love. I no sooner learn he was telling her, in his deepest, sweetest most serious voice, he was so hungry and he couldn’t wait to be done so he could eat. Parker, I’m so happy you made it through your beautiful spring engagement session!

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Door County Winter Engagement {mark & katie}

Ahhh… Mark and Katie, where do I begin?  These two have such amazing chemistry to capture it’s really quite ridiculous!  Every word that comes out of Mark’s mouth makes Katie laugh and she gets this sweet little head-tip and adorable smile every time.  With a Door County barn wedding this summer, on what I’m predicting to be an absolute perfect day, these two will kick off an amazing life together filled with so much love and laughter!