Posts Tagged Wisconsin kid photographer

Wisconsin Family Photographer {the wyland family}

I’m so happy to have been invited to capture the simple things in life for this beautiful family.  Having children of our own we know what a huge transition it is going from hand-held the the independent stages of walking. The first steps are some of most unforgettable in this massive adventure called ‘family’.

Appleton Childrens Photographer {a winter white session}

The Wisconsin winter snow has been so pretty and fluffy and WHITE this year! Believe it or not, a photo session in the snow is one of my absolute favorite looks. It’s clean and fresh, there’s nothing you have to match your clothes to and they’re always brilliant looking.

Yes, they are cold and we have to work fast so my fingers and your sweet little children don’t freeze, but it’s worth it. We promise to get you all to the nearest hot cocoa ASAP!
